A Huge Success

Meagan Seymour • January 30, 2021

Friends of RFKC,

Our Royal Family KIDS fund-raising event on Saturday evening was a huge success. The Lord blessed our ministry in unimaginable ways. Thank you so much for being a part of the Lord's blessing. Many of God's Little Masterpieces, our precious foster care campers, will get to come to camp thanks to your very generous giving.

Over the next few weeks, we will begin to fill our camp with our campers and our staff members. We need to have our staff set so we know how many campers we can invite. If you plan to volunteer as a full-time staff member, please submit your application by March 1st. The links for the applications are below. 

Returning Staff Members

New Staff Members

If you were unable to attend the fundraiser but would still like to give, there are two ways to do so:

  1. Write a check payable to North Haven Ministries and mail it to: North Haven Ministries 6620 Six Forks Rd Raleigh, NC 27615. In the memo line, please write "Royal Family KIDS". Make sure your name, address and phone number are visible on the check. 
  2. Donate online: https://onrealm.org/NorthHavenChurch/-/form/give/NHM

Finally, on March 27th we are having a Royal Family KIDS Information Night. This is being held at Mt. Moriah Church. Any and all are welcome to attend this event to learn more about the ministry, volunteering, and our camp needs. Please register here. Dessert and coffee will be served at this event. If you were unable to attend the fundraiser, this might be an ideal opportunity for you to still learn about the ministry. If you did attend the fundraiser but can think of people who might like to learn more, please invite them to attend.

Meagan Seymour, Director

Royal Family Kids Camp #289