Our Passion

I have three kids of my own and my husband and I try to give them every opportunity to thrive. But the plight of kids without loving parents is truly heart-breaking. In North Carolina there are thousands of them, often removed from their homes and put into foster care.

These foster kids need to know people care about them and that there is a God who loves and protects them. That's what the Royal Family KIDS camp (RFKC) is all about. For one week in the summer, foster kids can escape the dark trauma of the past and learn that, with God's help, their future can be bright.

I've served at RFK Camp #289 for many years and am serving as Camp Director for the first time this year. Fortunately, there are years of proven camp successes and the expertise of previous Director's to lean on when we need it!

So, we have set two Royal Family goals for 2025. The first is to provide the fantastic RFK Camp week for 50 campers this July. And secondly, we hope to spread the news of RFKC to other churches and help them catch the vision of RFKC and eventually sponsor their own camp.

If we do these two things right, all of us working together can change the lives of the thousands of foster kids right here in North Carolina. So come along on the journey and be a part of this great work God has given us.

Meagan Seymour

Life is Stacked Against Them

Tens of thousands of children in America who experience family-induced trauma. Broken families engender broken children, who often get removed from the home and placed in foster care. Their foster home may be a safer, but emotional scars remain. The odds are against children in foster care. By the time they turn 21:

  • 25% have issues with substance abuse.
  • 25% exhibit PTSD symptoms. 
  • 25% have a child of their own.
  • 33% are or have been incarcerated.
  • 42% have been homeless.
  • 47% have not received a GED or high school diploma.


A team of people is needed to organize and operate an RFK camp. Volunteer leaders oversee specific areas to make sure everything is perfect for the Campers from the time they arrive on Monday until they leave on Friday. Our leadership team includes people from a broad range of expertise, but they all share the same mission and passion for the children we serve.

The current 2025 Leadership team includes: 

  • Meagan Seymour, Camp Director
  • Jacky Hutton, Camp Assistant Director
  • Teresa Allsbrook, Former Assistant Camp Director
  • Vickie Bredbenner, Birthday Party organizer
  • Angela Brustad, Bible Club and Program
  • Tony Filidoro, Former Counselor
  • Carrie Hill, Administrative Assistant
  • Vincent Perillo, Counselor Representative
  • Heather Tetterton, Social Worker
  • Kathie Thompson, Former Camp Director
  • Rev. Michael Tolar, Camp Pastor
  • Josh & Anne Wade, Food Services


RFK Camp enjoys a wonderful relationship with our partners and sponsors, who all share our passion for assisting children in foster care. Churches, businesses and other affiliates provide finances, expertise, logistic services, and more. 

North Haven Church in Raleigh, NC has served as the host church for RFK camp #289 from our first year. They continue to provide logistical and financial support through North Haven Ministries, Inc.

For The Children is the national organization that trains and manages Royal Family KIDS camps in the US and internationally. They uphold standards for staff training and financial accountability for RFK camps nationwide.

Poplar Springs Christian Church in Raleigh, NC is a long-term supported of RFK camp, both with financial assistance and volunteers. Many of their volunteers help with the processing of campers when the arrive at the registration area. 

Mount Moriah Baptist Church in Raleigh, NC is a historic church with a vision of demonstrating the gospel through practical means. In addition to financial assistance and volunteer help, their pastor, Rev. Mike Tolar is a gifted children's minister and serves as the RFK camp pastor.

Mid-Way Baptist Church in Raleigh, NC is a family church focused on reaching all ages. In 2025, they have chosen to financially partner with the RFK camp because we both share the same passion for children.

  • Saturday, March 1: Application Deadline!

    We are filling our camp staff positions because that determines how many campers we can invite. If you plan to volunteer as a full-time staff member, please submit your application by March 1st.
  • Saturday, May 10, 8:30AM: New Staff Training

    May 10 @ 8:30 - 12:30 pm at North Haven Church for new staff only. This is mandatory training for new staff.
  • Saturday, May 10, 1:00PM: All Staff Training

    May 10 @ 1:00 - 5:00 pm at North Haven Church for both new and returning staff. This is mandatory training for all staff.
  • Sunday, June 22, 6:00PM: All Staff Training

    June 22 @ 6:00 - 8:00 pm online training for all staff. This is mandatory training for all staff.
  • Sunday, June 22, 8:00PM: Counselor Training

    June 22 @ 8:00 - 9:00 pm online training for Counselors and Deans only. This is mandatory training for all Counselors.
  • Sunday, July 13, 1:30PM: All Staff Training

    July 13 @ 1:30 - 3:30 pm at the campground for all staff. This is mandatory training for all staff.
  • July 13-18: Camp!

    For Volunteers, camp starts Sunday July 13. Our Campers arrive on Monday, July 14 and they leave the following Friday, July 18.

The Schedule

RFK Camp is a complex project that starts early in the year. Volunteer recruiting, training sessions, church presentations, and camp preparations, all must be completed on time for that special week of camp. The main events for this year's camp are listed with additional details.

A Day @ Camp

Our Campers often come from homes with little structure, so we try to maintain a schedule of planned activities to help the Campers know what to expect, even though there are plenty of surprises each week! A typical daily schedule is shown here. Click on any time segment to get more details on what goes on during that time.

  • 7:00AM - Rise and Shine

    Counselors help Campers get up, dressed, and ready for the day. After cleaning their cabin, everyone sets out for breakfast.

  • 8:00 AM - Breakfast

    The entire camp gathers in the cafeteria for a home-cooked breakfast. All meals are prepared with low sugar and nutritious multiple options.  Campers can eat as much as they wish at all of the meals. Sometimes a video of the previous day's activities are shown during breakfast.

  • 9:00 AM - Breakfast Club

    Campers gather in the meeting hall for an hour of music, puppets, object lessons, and a story from the Bible.

  • 10:00 AM - Activities

    Crafts and woodworking centers are available each day as well as horseback riding, archery, and bike riding. We make a short trip to a stocked fishing pond and each Camper catches a fish before the end of the week.

  • 12:00 PM - Lunch

    The entire camp gathers in the cafeteria for a home-cooked lunch. Every lunch and dinner includes a salad bar where the Campers can choose any combination of fixings. Everyone has fun repeating Grandpa's silly poems before each meal is served.

  • 12:30 PM - Rest Time

    A half-hour for Campers to rest from the day's activities. Some smaller kids nap during this time while older campers play board games or chat with their Counselor about the questions in their workbook.

  • 1:00 PM - Activities

    The afternoon activities include the craft and woodworking centers as well as swimming, which is a favorite of the Campers. Boys and grils swim separately. Some days there is a special event like bowling or the low ropes course.

  • 4:00 PM - Program Time

    Campers gather in the meeting hall for an hour of music, puppets, and an episode of the week-long play. Each year of camp has a different curriculumn based on a theme from the Bible.

  • 5:00 PM - Dinner

    The entire camp gathers in the cafeteria for a home-cooked dinner. This meal includes the salad bar and usually some kind of dessert. Sometimes we cater pizzas or cook hamburgers on the grill for dinner. One night  of the week we have a full-blown birthday party for all the Campers during an extended dinner hour. 

  • 6:00 PM - Evening Activity

    This event varies based on the day and weather. It can be field games, playing on inflatables, water games, a carnival with gifts, or special presentations about wild animals, rope-skippers, or big tractors.  

  • 9:00 PM - Lights Out

    Counselors help their Campers get ready for bed, and most Campers fall asleep right away after a full day of activity. Usually, by 10 o'clock, the camp is quiet as everyone rests before another fun day.