Running a camp for 40-50 campers and staff isn't cheap. Our 2025 camp budget is $40,000, about $800 per Camper. We offer the camp to qualified foster children at no charge, so we rely on personal, church, and corporate donations to meet the financial requirements each year.
Would you consider sponsoring a child at $800? Whether you give a little, or a lot, your financial gift will be used responsibly to provide the week-long camp for children in foster care who need to know someone cares. 
Your financial gift is tax deductible and will be receipted by North Haven Ministries, Inc., an IRS 501(c )(3) non-profit charitable corporation registered in Raleigh, North Carolina.
Financial donations are one way to get involved with RFKC. There are two ways to give:

If you want to be a part of RFKC, we need to know more about you. Application forms are available online and in printable formats. If you have never volunteered before, click New Staff to apply. Volunteers who have served before need to fill out a shorter application. Click on the Returning Staff application button to complete that form.
Staff who volunteer at camp have specific responsibilities based on their expertise and willingness to serve. Some of the common descriptions of these volunteer positions are summarized here.
To create life-changing moments for children who have experienced relational trauma.
All Rights Reserved | Royal Family KIDS Camp # 289